7 Digital Product Ideas For Making Money Online

Dec 6, 2022 last_updated min_read

Digital products differ from physical ones as they do not incur the production costs that physical products may carry with them. Also, as the manufacturing issue is out of the way, a lot more people can engage in the creation of digital products. And this, of course, includes you!

While there are loads of digital products available that you can produce, too, we picked out a variety of them, from videos to text to full-on books! These are our 7 digital product ideas for making money online.

Create a video course

Looking at how many videos people are watching each day all over the internet, it comes as no surprise that a lot of internet traffic is used exactly for this purpose – streaming videos. Be it YouTube or other sources, video is a powerful way to communicate information and engage an audience. When it comes to making money online, creating some yourself can be a very effective tool.

There are many ways to create a video course. One popular way is to use a platform like Udemy or Teachable to create and sell your course. These platforms make it easy to upload your videos and manage your students. They also provide a built-in payment system, so you don’t have to worry about processing payments yourself.

Another advantage of creating a video course is that you can reach a wider audience than you would with traditional methods like writing a book or giving speeches. By using online platforms, your courses can be accessed by people all over the world.

Finally, video courses offer an excellent way to earn passive income. Once you have created your course, you can continue to earn money from it long after you have finished filming it. This is because people can purchase your courses at any time, and they will continue to generate revenue for you over time.

Sell stock photos

Selling stock photos is a great way to make money online because it's a low-risk investment with high potential returns. When you sell stock photos, you're essentially selling the rights to use your photos to someone else, and you can typically charge a pretty high price for those rights. This means that you don't have to worry about marketing or selling your photos yourself- you can simply upload them to a stock photo site and wait for people to buy them.


Another reason selling stock photos is a good way to make money online is because there's a large demand for them. Stock photo sites are constantly looking for new images to add to their libraries, so there's always a need for new photos. This means that you'll never run out of potential customers, and you'll always have a steady stream of income.

Selling stock photos is also a great way to get exposure for your photography business. When you sell your photos on a stock photo site, they'll typically include your name and biography on the site. This means that potential customers will be able to learn more about you and your work, which can help increase your business exposure and attract new customers.

Finally, selling stock photos is a great way to make money online because it's relatively easy to do. You don't need any special skills or training in order to sell stock photos, and most sites are very easy to use. This means that you can start making money right away without any prior experience or knowledge.

Write an e-course

If making videos and staying on camera is not your cup of tea, you can always opt in for the option of writing things. E-courses are a great option in this case.

Writing an e-course is a great way to make money online because it allows you to share your knowledge and expertise with a larger audience. When you create an e-course, you can provide your students with step-by-step instructions on how to do something or how to achieve a specific goal. This can be extremely helpful for people who are looking to improve their skills or learn something new.

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Additionally, writing an e-course is a great way to make money online because it allows you to build a relationship with your students. When you create an e-course, you are essentially creating a community of students who are all interested in the same thing. This can be a great way to connect with people from all over the world and share your knowledge and expertise with them.

Another reason why writing an e-course is a great way to make money online is because it is a very flexible way to earn income. You can work on your e-course whenever you want, and you can choose the hours that you want to work. This can be a great option for people who want to earn money online but don't want to commit to a full-time job.

Create a podcast

Podcasting is a great way to make money online because it is a very low-cost, high-return venture. For as little as $20 per month, you can have your own podcast show up on iTunes and other popular podcast directories. This relatively low investment can yield big dividends, as there are currently over 550,000 shows in the iTunes directory, and that number is growing every day.

Podcasting is also a great way to reach a large audience with your message. The number of people who listen to podcasts has been growing rapidly in recent years, with over 67 million Americans listening to a podcast at least once a month in 2018. That’s a lot of potential listeners!

Podcasting is also a very effective way to build an audience for your business or brand. In addition to the general population of podcast listeners, there is also a large and engaged community of podcasters who are always looking for new content to listen to. By creating a high-quality podcast show, you can attract the attention of these listeners and start building a loyal following for your business or brand.

Finally, podcasting is a great way to make money because it can be very profitable. There are many ways to monetize your podcast show, including advertising, sponsorships, and product sales. With the right marketing strategy and execution, you can easily make more money from your podcast than you ever could from traditional online marketing methods like blogging or email marketing.

Build an app

Building an app can be a very profitable way to make money online. There are a number of factors that contribute to this, but some of the most important include the large audience that apps can reach and the relatively low cost of creating and launching an app.

In addition to making money from the sale of the app itself, developers can also generate revenue through in-app purchases and advertising. This makes it a very appealing option for those looking to make money online.


Another advantage of building an app is that it can be a very successful marketing tool. By creating a well-designed and user-friendly app, businesses can reach a larger audience and promote their products or services more effectively.

Finally, thanks to the growing popularity of smartphones and tablets, there is a huge demand for apps. This means that there is plenty of room for new developers to enter the market and create successful businesses.

Create an ebook

Ebooks have become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people move away from traditional print books and towards electronic reading devices. In fact, recent studies have shown that ebook sales have surpassed print book sales in many countries, including the United States. This is due in part to the growing popularity of devices like the Kindle and the iPad, which makes it easy to read books electronically. It is quite easy to create them and relatively easy to sell.

Another reason that ebooks are such a good way to make money online is that they can be sold at a higher price than traditional print books. This is because there are no printing or shipping costs involved, which means that the publisher can keep more of the profits from each sale. In addition, ebooks often do not require any additional marketing or advertising costs since they can be marketed through online channels like Amazon.

Finally, ebooks are a great way to reach a larger audience than you could with traditional publishing methods. This is because many people now prefer to read books electronically rather than on paper. As a result, publishing your book as an ebook can allow you to reach more people than you would if it were only available in print form.

Create a plug-in/extension

There are a few reasons creating a plugin or extension can be a good way to make money online. First, there is a large market for plugins and extensions. WordPress, for example, has over 55,000 plugins available. This means that there is a lot of potential for someone with the right skills to create a plugin or extension that fills a need in the market.

Second, creating a plugin or extension is relatively easy. There are many online resources that can walk you through the process of creating a plugin or extension. This means that you don't need to have a lot of technical expertise to get started.

Third, plugins and extensions can be sold for a profit. There is a large market for paid plugins and extensions, and people are often willing to pay for quality products. This provides an opportunity to make some extra money by creating and selling your own plugins and extensions.

Despite there being numerous digital products that you can make, being creative or skilled is not something that everyone can possess, or maybe it is just the lack of time at play. You can earn effortlessly, though, just for keeping your devices running!


